Friday 24 June 2022

NSA Wants To Help you Lock Down MS Windows in PowerShell - Security Boulevard

Make Monad Great Again: A new cheatsheet from four infosec agencies is making the rounds. The NSA and CISA, together with their cousins in the UK (NCSC) and New Zealand (GCSB), have dreamed up some new recommendations to secure your Windows PCs and servers.

Thursday 23 June 2022

Cloudflare Outage Outrage | Yet More FAA 5G Stupidity -

The Moral of the Story: Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it

Rejoice, devs and all! Privacy Pass standard nukes CAPTCHAs -

IETF says I’m human:

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Hacker Paige Thompson Could Face 45 Years in Prison — ‘Suicide by Law Enforcement’ - Security Boulevard

‘Ethical Hacker,’ Said Failed Defense Plea: Capital One hacker Paige A. Thompson has been found guilty. A jury didn’t buy the defense story of a mere ethical hacker embarrassing a big corporation.