Friday 20 January 2023

T-Mobile’s SIXTH Breach in 5 years: 37M Users’ PII Leaks - Security Boulevard

Magenta Maladministration: T-Mobile US has been hacked yet again. In case you’re not keeping score, that’s the sixth time since 2018.

Thursday 19 January 2023

8-Bit Floating Point for AI/ML? | Amazon and Microsoft Shed Tech Jobs -

The moral of the story: You never really learn much from hearing yourself speak

GitHub Copilot’s ML ‘Code Brushes’: Ready for a Bob Ross ‘happy little accident’? - ReversingLabs

Good thing, or bad?
GitHub launches Code Brushes — a fascinating new “usable prototype” toolbox in the Copilot Labs Visual Studio Code extension. In theory, it can make your code more secure, easier to understand and more.

Monday 16 January 2023

Another Password Manager Breach: NortonLifeLock Apes LastPass - Security Boulevard

Monkey123 See — Monkey123 Do: NortonLifeLock is warning customers their passwords are loose. First LastPass, now this?