Saturday 4 December 2010

Google buys speech synthesis firm, Phonetic Arts

Richi Jennings's picture   The Long View (Computerworld)

Google's acquiring a speech synthesis firm, Phonetic Arts. Its technology is best known as a speech engine for gaming. Why on earth would Google need one of those? Let's talk about it, in The Long View...

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Wednesday 1 December 2010

Enterprise email: News of its death greatly exaggerated

Richi Jennings's picture   The Long View (Computerworld)

Email is dying, say the pundits. It's being replaced by social media and texting, they claim. Balderdash, say I. Email is alive and thriving in the enterprise. Even if Robert X. Cringely disagrees with me. See what I mean, in The Long View...

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Wait, is Comcast really putting the squeeze on competitors?

Richi Jennings's picture   The Long View (Computerworld)

I'm not sure Robert L. Mitchell is being entirely fair and balanced. His article posted earlier, Comcast puts squeeze on competitors, seems a bit one-sided to me. In the interests of balance, here's the other side of the story, in The Long View...

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