Monday 1 May 2006

Blue Security "do not email list" compromised? No!

It had to happen. I'm amazed it's taken so long.

Spammers are passing around a list of names that is purportedly the Blue Frog "do not email" list. Someone is already spamming the list with dire warnings of falling skies.

I've seen the list. It's not complete in the sense that it doesn't include the wildcard domain entries. It also doesn't include spamtraps that I know to be there. Presumably a spammer has taken his list and "cleaned" it against the blue list, then done a diff? Like I say, I'm amazed it's taken so long.

In other words, people won't get spam from these spammers unless they're already getting spam from them.

Blue Security's community forums are down "for maintenance." ;-)

Links (updated as I find them): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...


Richi Jennings said...

Yep, looks like is back up, but running HORRIBLY slow.

Richi Jennings said...

A bit faster now. This thread discusses what others have found.

Anonymous said...

Just proves two things I suspected all along...

(1) As long as spammers can make money off of 0.01% of the e-mail users out there, they don't care how badly they piss off the other 99.99%.

(2) Blue Frog really is putting the hurt on spammers.

Anonymous said...

You've seen the DNIR list? I thought the list was hashed...

Richi Jennings said...

When I said "I've seen the list" I was talking about the spammer's copy, which he alleges is the DNIR. However, as I point out, it's nothing of the sort.

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